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Lender Handler App Permalink

This is an item in your portfolio. It can be have images or nice text. If you name the file .md, it will be parsed as markdown. If you name the file .html, it will be parsed as HTML.

LGBTI+ Gozo Website Permalink

This is an item in your portfolio. It can be have images or nice text. If you name the file .md, it will be parsed as markdown. If you name the file .html, it will be parsed as HTML.

National Museum of Art Website Permalink

This is an item in your portfolio. It can be have images or nice text. If you name the file .md, it will be parsed as markdown. If you name the file .html, it will be parsed as HTML.



ICOM UK: Interview


Interviewed by the International Council of Museums UK about my role in digital cultural heritage in Malta. Read here.

Business Today: Interview


Interviewed by the Business Today about my role in the National Task Force on AI, the future of AI and the impact on the workforce, and also my role in the digital cutlural sector in Malta. Read here.

Keynote at World Museum Forum


I was a keynote speaker at the World Museum Forum held in 2020, where I presented research on the use of computer vision techniques for connecting portraits together, and the use of augmented reality in a fine arts museum setting.

Poster presentation at AHFE


Presented research related to an online study evaluating AR interfaces for pedestrian-vehicle interactions at the AHFE conference held in New York City.

Presentation at ICTTP


Presented my PhD research as part of a SHAPE-IT special session at the T

Address to the Maltese Cabinet of Ministers


Addressed the Maltese Cabinet of Ministers and the chiefs of the public service on the topic of digitisation, and the application and adoption of artificial intelligence in the public service.

Presentation at the SHAPE-IT Final Event


Presented all the studies conducted during the course of my PhD in a popular study format to experts in the field, and all SHAPE-IT stakehodlers. The presentation was part of the SHAPE-IT final event.

Participant in Workshop in AI and Experience Design


Participated in a workshop which explored the impact of generative AI on different domains ranging from policy and governance, the environment, the (digital) arts, entertainment, business, the economy, and education and research.

Delivered Guest Lecture on LLMs for HCI


Delivered a guest lecture on ‘Using LLMs for HCI research’ as part of the ‘AI in Experience Design’ Master Class held at TU Delft. I explained to attendees from industry how Large Language Models could be used to assess qualitative (think-aloud, interviews, questionnaires) and quantitative data (rating scales) to draw concrete conclusions from human-subject research.

Participated in the AlUla Future Culture Summit


Attended by invitation, the AlUla Future Culture Summit in Saudi Arabia. It was fantastic to share a number of exchanges with world leaders in the museum, art and culture sectors, as we discussed the future of a number of world heritage sites. Thanful for the invitation, and the opportunity to discuss my passion of scientific application to the arts with fellow peers.


Teaching experience 1

Undergraduate course, University 1, Department, 2014

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.

Teaching experience 2

Workshop, University 1, Department, 2015

This is a description of a teaching experience. You can use markdown like any other post.